Thursday, July 19, 2012

How To Regeister Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a pay site owned by Goolge, where a person who has a website / blog can be registered for Google Adsense. But the web / blog must meet the terms of Google Adsense, for it is the steps to register with Google Adsense is:

  1. Go to site Google Adsense
  2. Then click on Register Now
  3. Then complete the form, for its looks as follows:

4. After the contents of it all and then click Send Information Do not forget to write your name and address must be correct.
5. After that go to if you already have a Gmail account, if you have not yet made a Gmail account first.
6. Once logged in it will appear as follows:
After receiving the message, wait about a week google adsense will send messages to your email whether accepted or not.


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